

The foundation and core of Franklin Academy’s academic approach is inspired by the educational insights of one of our founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin. Franklin Academy’s educational philosophy is derived from one of Benjamin Franklins’ famous quotes “Tell me and I forget, Teach me and I remember, Involve me and I learn.” Franklin Academy’s educational approach is empowered from the ideology of student learning centers. Students work collaboratively within their centers with their peers, as instructors are able to facilitate the differentiated learning that is taking place.

Franklin Academy has created a challenging curriculum and has set our expectations for every student at a high level. Implementation of learning centers allows instructors to build strategies to ensure that each and every individual student has their individualized tools to ensure they are capable and ready to reach these high standards. At Franklin Academy we hold students at a high standard of excellence in both curriculum and classroom expectations.

Franklin Academy’s educational goals are set to not only achieve short term success, but promote and ensure all students have the skills necessary to achieve long term success. Franklin Academy aims to create a learning atmosphere where differentiated instruction implements strategies that will support student success within the classroom as well as constantly enhancing student skills that are essential for success beyond the classroom walls, ensuring students are college and career ready.

Franklin Academy’s highly qualified teachers and administrators actively collaborate to deliver rigorous instruction focused on enhancing critical thinking skills. Research has shown that the quality of instruction is the most significant factor in a child’s learning. At Franklin Academy, our educational philosophy and mission are reflected in how teachers deliver instruction. A rigorous, comprehensive, researched-based curriculum aligned to Florida’s academic standards will be delivered to students in a variety of engaging ways.

Franklin Academy’s academic content is aligned to Florida’s B.E.S.T. Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics and the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS) for Science and Social Studies, which reflect the Florida Department of Education’s foundational expectations of what all students should know and be able to do in each grade from Kindergarten through 12th grade.

We are particularly focused on the role literacy plays in ensuring students become compassionate, confident, competent and creative citizens in an increasingly complex world. Franklin Academy’s teachers and administrators use various data analysis techniques and work collaboratively to develop individualized curriculum maps and lesson plans to ensure that each benchmark is covered in a comprehensive and equitable fashion. As Franklin Academy analyzes performance data throughout the year, we strive to implement classroom practices and effective teaching and learning strategies that are supported by research.

Students Running


Core Academic Areas



Language Arts



Grade Level





K - 2nd

  • Numbers and Operations
  • Measurement and Data: Classification of Objects
  • Calendar Time
  • Units of Measurement
  • Weight and Capacity
  • Time and Money
  • Geometry
  • Patterning
  • Counting, Operations, and Algebraic Thinking
  • Concepts of Print
  • Phonological Awareness
  • Phonics/Word Analysis
  • Vocabulary Development
  • Fluency
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Fiction/Nonfiction
  • Writing Process
  • Practice of Science
  • Changes in Matter
  • Forms of Energy
  • Forces and Change in Motion
  • Earth Structures
  • Living Organisms
  • Citizenship
  • Friends and Family
  • Native Americans
  • Early US History
  • Holidays
  • Celebrations
  • Map Skills
  • Community Helpers
  • American Government

3rd - 5th

  • Numbers and Operations: Place Value
  • Geometry: Area, Volume, Surface Area
  • Operations and Algebraic Thinking
  • Measurement and Data
  • Decimals
  • Fractions
  • Phonics/Word Analysis
  • Fluency Development
  • Vocabulary Development
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Fiction/Nonfiction
  • Research Process
  • Writing Process: Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, Editing, and Publishing
  • Practice of Science
  • Characteristics of Scientific Knowledge
  • Living Organisms
  • Interdependence
  • Matter
  • Energy: Transfer and Transformations
  • Forces and Changes in Motion
  • Motion of Objects
  • Community
  • Native Americans
  • Government
  • Florida
  • Exploration
  • Revolution
  • Constitution
  • Civil War

6th - 8th

  • Statistics and Probability
  • Ratios and Proportional Relationships
  • Expressions and Equations
  • The Number System
  • Algebra
  • Geometry
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Fiction/Nonfiction
  • Writing Process: Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, Editing, and Publishing
  • Creative, Informative, and Persuasive Writing
  • Research Process
  • Scientific Method and Investigation
  • Role of Theories, Laws, Hypothesis, and Models
  • Matter
  • Earth and Space: Weather and Climate/Space and Time/ Structures
  • Diversity and Evolution of Living Things
  • Middle Ages
  • Medieval Times
  • Middle East
  • Reconstruction
  • Industrialization
  • Great Depression


High School Curriculum

Franklin Academy offers a comprehensive educational high school program that includes building upon a solid content base in each academic subject, including the IB Diploma Programme for those students who qualify.

Students will expand their prior knowledge through a spiraled curriculum, which focuses on inquiry and project-based applications of key concepts and universal ideas. Franklin Academy’s Curriculum Guide will be grade-level specific and sub-divided into the core content areas of Language Arts (including Writing), Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, World Languages, Physical Education, Fine Arts, and Practical Art

English/Language Arts

English Skills (Intensive Reading)

English Honors  I, II, III, IV 

AP English Lit

Applied Communications 1

World Literature

World Literature Honors

Contemporary Literature Honors

AP English Lang

Classical Literature

Applied Communications 2

American Literature

American Literature Honors

Great Books Honors

Contemporary Literature


AP Calculus

Advanced Topics in Math

Algebra I

Algebra II

Geometry I


Calculus Honors

Calculus II

Probability & Statistics Honors

Algebra I Honors

Algebra II Honors

College Algebra Trig

Geometry I Honors

Honors Pre-calculus

Math for College Readiness


Biology I

AP Biology

Chemistry I Honors

AP Chemistry

Physics I

Physics I Honors

Marine Science Honors I

Biology Technology

Bio I Honors



Anatomy/Physiology Honors

Environmental Science

AP Environmental Science

Marine Science Honors II

Social Studies

American History

American History Honors

AP American History




Economics Honors

AP Macro Economics

World History

World History Honors

AP World History

Government Honors

AP Government

Economics with Financial Literacy

Economics with Financial Literacy Honors

World Languages


AP Spanish Language

AP Spanish Literature

French I, II, III

AP French Language

Latin I, II


Computer Applications




TV Production/Cinema

Business Management

V Basic

Business & Finance

Visual and Performing Arts,

Speech & Debate,

Practical Arts

Art I, II

Computer Art

AP Art

Intro Drama I, II

Music Appreciation

Dance I, II

Band I, II



Physical Education

Physical Fitness


Beginning Weight Training

Life Fitness

*Not all courses will be taught every semester. Courses will be offered based on interest and availability



Enrichment Program

At Franklin Academy the curriculum includes chess, health, physical education, visual arts, music, foreign language and technology:

Student playing chess

  • As an optional enrichment program, chess allows students to develop a broad array of critical reasoning and problem solving skills. Chess provides a creative environment for students to practice analytical and logic puzzles using strategy, geometric spatial relationships, combined resource utilization and time management all in a game the students enjoy. Our program accommodates all levels of students from the first-time beginner to the seasoned tournament player. Students can continue to develop as players by joining the after school chess club or participating on the school tournament chess team.
  • Health topics are closely related to science and will include concepts such as basic hygiene, nutrition, benefits of exercise, safety and first aid.
  • Physical education is the application of individual skills in a team sport environment. The curriculum includes a variety of developmental activities emphasizing fine and gross motor skills as well as to help our students keep fit through organized activities and lessons that focus on, control and coordination of movement, agility, balance fitness, respect for rules and sportsmanship.
  • The visual arts curriculum generates enthusiasm for art as well as different cultural and historical connections. Through the exploration of a variety of artists, art processes and art experiences, students have the opportunity to develop higher thinking and creative problem solving skills. By infusing art into the curriculum, we enhance the opportunities for academic success for all students and help to develop right-brain associated functions to improve functioning in the workplace and beyond.

Students in music class

  • Music instills the love of melody, poetry and rhythm. From classic to contemporary sounds all students enjoy music. Students learn expressive qualities, tone, melody and style of songs. Our students play instruments and understand the role of musicians in various music settings and cultures. History and cultural awareness is integrated into our music curriculum.
  • We believe learning should primarily occur in a relational context; technology will be used as a tool in the school to enhance our efforts in teaching your children. We believe technology is best used to reinforce classroom learning and for assessment. Students will be taught to master specific technologies. In higher grade levels, teachers will seek to ensure that students are taught to exploit the potential of research oriented technology yet not abuse them to avoid developing solid research, critical thinking, and writing skills. Participation in project –based, multidisciplinary learning with technology will be encouraged.

Curriculum Enhancements

  • Differentiated instruction
  • Integration of technology:
  1. Interative projectora and whiteboards
  2. Visiting other countries via the web
  3. Computers in classrooms as well as computer labs
  4. Mobile technology carts
  • Building Better Readers – Buddy program, interaction between student
  • In-house field trips: High Tech –High Touch
  • Off-site:
  1. Broward Center for the Performing Arts
  2. Miami Seaquarium
  3. Museum of Science and Discovery

Student going down a slide

  • Character Education is an integral part of the curriculum. Character is the culmination of habits, resulting from the ethical choices, behaviors, and attitudes an individual makes, and is the "moral excellence" an individual exhibits when no one is watching. It includes an individual's desire to do one's best, concern for others' well-being, cognition of critical thinking and moral reasoning, and the development of interpersonal and emotional skills that allow individuals the capability to work effectively with each other in everyday situations. At Franklin Academy we embrace the philosophy that character education builds better people. Character development is more than developing good behavior—but rather identifying and cultivating a set of inter- and intrapersonal skills that provide the framework to build and execute ethical behavior and build community.
  • Parent involvement provides parents with the opportunity to have an active role in the Franklin Academy community. Working closely with school administration and faculty, and guided by the school mission, participation in your child's education enriches the academic and social needs of the school while acting as a major vehicle of communication with your child.